Storage Restrictions
Combustible and Hazerdous Materials
These types of materials can cause major damage to the facility and your belongings if they become unstable or catch fire. They can also cause serious injury to the customers and facility personnel. The items include fuel, fireworks, alcohol, aerosols, etc. People often overlook the obvious items such as fuel tanks on lawnmowers, snow blowers, and other maintenance equipment. Also hazardous are toxic or chemical materials such as cleaners, paints and paint thinner.
Animals or Plants
It is usually against regulation to store any living thing, in self-storage, as they will attract insects and pests. Storage of pets in these types of facilities is prohibited and violators could be charged with animal cruelty. Animal products are also not allowed in self-storage, as they will attract vermin.
Perishable Food
When packing the contents of a home, especially the kitchen, people sometimes pack food in boxes along with other items. Canned food shouldn't be a problem but there are restrictions on perishable foods, as they will attract vermin
Firearms and Explosives
Regulations on firearms storage varies at each facility. If storage is allowed, you will have to follow strict guidelines on securing the item(s).
Odourous Items
Some facilities will prohibit the storage of anything causing significant odour on site.