Self Storage Costs
Rental costs for self-storage vary between providers and depend upon the space required. Usually a deposit will be required and refunded at the end of the rental period should the unit be left in good order and any equipment used, such as moving blankets, returned. Most self-storage facilities accept cash, credit and interac. Besides the basic rental, you may need to purchase insurance and locks.
Insurance Most facilities have many limitations as to what is covered under their own insurance and some may not cover contents at all. Some make it mandatory that you purchase insurance policies through them or that you carry your own insurance coverage before you rent. Sometimes you can purchase a rider on your existing home insurance policy to cover self-storage.
Padlocks The last line of defense against intruders is the padlock. Some facilities insist that you only use padlocks sold by them - these locks do tend to offer maximum protection but can be expensive.
Packing Materials
Most storage facilities sell a variety of moving boxes and accessories like bubble wrap, newsprint, tape and other packing materials.
Equipment Many of the better storage facilities will offer to loan customers equipment and moving blankets. When supplies are loaned to customers, the company usually requests some type of deposit to cover repair or replacement of the items should it be necessary.